

黄金时段 is a free and easy way to earn credits on your electric bill, 每个月为你省钱.

现在是加热和冷却系统, 热水器和泳池泵(如果你有的话)实际上可以节省你的钱. 你拥有的设备越多,节省的就越多! 顾客平均每年赚144美元. 此外,澳门线上真人博彩官网还会安装一个免费的智能恒温器,并安装一个应用程序,以增加方便. 黄金时段很简单——你只要坐下来存钱就行了.


  1. 登录你的账户中,选择 黄金时段,并回答一些限制性问题. 

  2. 没有用户名和密码? 注册 现在.

  3. 呼叫 813-275-3909 工作日早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.

不适合你? 选择下面的选项卡来了解能源计划.




  • 你允许澳门网上真人赌博官网暂时关闭你家的暖气和冷气, water heater and pool pump (if applicable) during periods of extremely high demand for electricity. 如果发生这种情况,澳门线上真人博彩官网会通知您.
  • 作为交换,你将获得每月的账单积分*. Your monthly credits will vary based on the equipment you choose to connect to 黄金时段.
  • A small control device used to communicate with your water heater and/or pool pump will be installed near the equipment.
  • 澳门线上真人博彩官网将安装一个智能恒温器,它可以访问移动应用程序, 让你调整温度设置, 设置灵活的调度, 接收使用报告, 提醒、提醒和更多, 无论你是在家里还是在外面.

这个表格显示了你可以为每件装备赚取的信用金额. 将三者连接起来,您每年将获得高达144美元的积分. 你连接的设备越多,你获得的积分就越多!

设备 月度信贷 年度信贷
加热和冷却 $6 $72
热水器 $3 $36
池泵 $3 $36
总计 $12 $144



黄金时段提供了一种帮助所有客户保持低能源成本的方法. It does this by letting 坦帕电 reduce electricity use during periods of extremely high demand. 需求高峰随时可能出现, but typically happens in the morning (winter months) or afternoon (summer months) when people are cooking, 使用热水, 打开暖气和冷气, 等. By reducing demand, we can avoid the need to invest in additional power generation facilities.

当你参加黄金时间Plus时, 你在帮助保护自然资源, delay the need for more power plants and keep energy costs lower for everyone.

*最少400千瓦时/月. 消费需要获得积分.


PrimeTimePlusThermostat.jpgThe ENERGY STAR®-certified smart thermostat you’ll receive at no cost lets you adjust temperature settings, 设置灵活的调度, 接收使用报告, 提醒、提醒和更多, 无论你是在家里还是在外面.


  • 当您的系统可能需要服务时,智能警报会通知您.
  • 服务提醒告诉您该进行日常维护或服务了.
  • 使用报告提供每月的系统信息.


  • 智能家居兼容,因为它与亚马逊Alexa兼容, 谷歌的助理, 苹果HomeKit和三星SmartThings智能家居平台.
  • Humidity Control helps you stay comfortable with humidification/dehumidification control.
  • Circulating Fan helps maximize comfort and balance temperature throughout your home by increasing air circulation.
  • Keypad Lockout lets you maintain total control by disabling changes made by others at the thermostat.
  • Temperature Limits prevent others from adjusting temperatures too high or too low.
  • Save about 23% on heating and cooling by adjusting the temperature using flexible scheduling, 远程访问, 和地理围墙.

The smart thermostat offers access to a mobile app that lets you manage your heating and cooling while at home or away. 在您安装时, the 黄金时段 installation expert will assist you with acquiring the app and demonstrating how use it.



  • PTPCheckbox.jpg加热和冷却 – Centrally ducted electric heating and cooling, or centrally ducted electric heating. Wi-Fi网络连接 IOS或Android移动设备.
  • 热水器 —只需一个电热水器即可.
  • 池泵 -大多数泳池泵符合要求. 然而, there are some variable-speed pumps with internal timer controls that may not qualify.

黄金时间Plus要求你有一个数字智能电表. 大多数客户已经在家中安装了智能电表.

黄金时段 不可用 to customers who have net-metered solar and/or participate in our 能源计划 program.


PrimeTimePlusThermostat.jpg安装当日, our licensed contractor will replace your existing thermostat with a 黄金时段 smart thermostat. 除了, a small control device used to communicate with your water heater and/or pool pump will be installed. 控制装置通常放置在车库、杂物间或壁橱中. 安装是免费的,大约需要两个小时才能完成.


The control device includes a small LED light that illuminates when your water heater and/or pool pump are turned off.

A 坦帕电 黄金时段 expert will accompany the installation contractor. 他们将花时间演示如何使用智能恒温器, assist you with downloading the free app and make sure you’re comfortable using the devices.

黄金时段SM 奖状


欢迎来到黄金时间加上客户的感言页. We invite you to read what others are saying and encourage you to send one of your own. 黄金时段 is one of several energy-saving programs designed to help you save energy and money.

"I'm just thrilled I signed up for the 黄金时段 energy savings program!"
迈克K., 坦帕


A. Based on historical demand data, a typical control time will last about one hour. 然而, 如果澳门线上真人博彩官网有极高的需求, your equipment can be turned off one or more times throughout the day and night, 每次持续超过一小时.


  • 加热和冷却 -每年最多88小时
  • 热水器 -没有最大值
  • 池泵 -每年最多88小时

A. 是的,你会通过恒温器和应用程序收到通知. 此外,你还可以选择通过电子邮件接收提醒.

A. 如果你不能接受某一天的可控事件, 请致电澳门网上真人赌博官网的能源管理服务 813-275-3909. If an event does not occur on that day, it will not count against your opt-out limit.

A. The smart thermostat will display a message when your heating and cooling system is being controlled. An LED light will illuminate on the control device when your pool pump and/or water heater are being controlled.  

A. 如果控制事件会给您带来不便,您可以提前选择退出. 例如, if you plan to have guests on Friday and do not want a control event to occur that day, you can opt out any time prior to that Friday by calling 坦帕电’s Energy Management 服务 at 813-275-3909. 您不能在受控事件发生当天或事件开始时选择退出.

A. 您应该不会看到如何使用计时器有什么影响.

A. 在控制季节(夏季是5月至10月)选择退出一次.冬天是十一月.4月.)不会影响你的信用. 然而, two consecutive opt outs will result in loss of credits until the next control event occurs.

A. Your monthly electric bill will reflect the credits earned during your prior month of service.

A. If you rent, we encourage you to notify your landlord and receive permission.  当你注册黄金时段Plus时, you will select an option verifying that your landlord is aware and has granted permission to install 黄金时段 at the residence.

A. Yes, 黄金时段 is available to all residential customers regardless of housing type. If you rent, we encourage you to notify your landlord and receive permission. 当你注册黄金时段Plus时, you will select an option verifying that your landlord is aware and has granted permission to install 黄金时段 at the residence.


如果你想节省更多,看看澳门线上真人博彩官网的免费 能源计划 program that lets you plan your highest energy use during the time of day when demand for electricity is lowest. 通过这样做,澳门线上真人博彩官网可以用更低的利率“奖励”你. 你可以把它想象成每天在限时促销期间购物! 这是一个并排比较.




All 坦帕电 team members and contractors are required to carry photo identification cards. If you are uncertain about an individual's association with 坦帕电, please 联系澳门线上真人博彩官网 为验证.


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